Istoris y Titles
I won King of the Hill today.
Elementary school gotta clear the blacktop so we can play good. Yet we not excited fuh kickball no mo’ we dream of high snow mounds and conquest - pushing each other off until the King has won.
4. God me spoke en uh dream
God Spoke to me and told me how to escape that plantation, that marriage, that job, that court case, that jam, that bs. When I finally got the chance to close mi eyes e rest I was able to see a world beyond my sitichiation and sing cross the land.
2. Pospartum Hair Washin’
I think about birth from before what birth could be when you birth in a world that loves you. A world that noticed you been gon from your body and need a lil help coming back.
5. Double Ditch Guhs
Back en da Sip, we had a to jump en ditches so that the Cahs wouln’t hit us. Dey white, we Black so dey just could. - Das why yall be in Chicago now.
3. Dey move us like grosree conveyer belts
Doctors quota den increased again and gotta see 40 patients a day in 20-15 minutes - missed yo sickle cell, missed yo tumor, assumed you was a drug seeker just pasing tru, missed dey daughter’s dance recital. Now you dead and dey burnout, but the next bright eyed bushy tailed graduate is coming in to mitigate the next health crisis
6. High Honors! High Honors! But I miss my [] class
I wuz en high school when AP classes first came out - changed my whole schedule - changed my whole world. I ain no girl from 88th st no mo, I’m an other’s other. I talk white, I wan see the world, I say no to hood rat shit sometimes - dey say dey don’t know me anymore.Dey say I’m gon make big money n forget bout dem. I’m just another body en transition cause I wanna learn.
7. I wuz erin ma yella coat n rain boots wen mama lef
Now I kno Daddy was fighting her bad so she lef. But all I remembered wuz dat yella rain coat n boots when she walked away.
10. I shudda slammed da dough en his face but it wuz Christmas and I was 9.
Should’ve, Could’ve, Would've
Wouldn’t we all.
8. Too Distracted by Flies tuh eat yuh food
Dey took Chicago city niggas n sent us on a trip to Honduras - straight cell-va (selva) - to serve the Lord. We eatin’ n these flies just keep hovering our food to loot. Swat Swat Swat n we stiil ain eat no food. Swat Swat Swat - but the locals grubbing down. Swat Swat Swat, finally guia turned ‘n illuminated - flies won’t eat it if you did first. Dat lesson ply to a lot ‘tings now
11. Kawt a Vibe at Cookie’s anoche
Cookie’s Cocktail Lounge - 1024 W 79th St. Chicago
9. Blue/Blew Mondees
Everyday I must wake up. I want to thank the Lord for another day, I really do.
12. Saw mi future en da metra
Mama let me n my brother ride the metra today. N I saw a lady so beautiful, so her. I couldn’t help but scream that she was so pretty. Mama not lettin us ride the metra no time soon.